Research on Plant extracts for Hemorrhoids

This research is just beginning Also spent one year. But when the Good Things It would be repeated before hospital Bangkatum . Phitsanulok Hospital and Mae On , Chiang Mai to visit this hospital 2 .The director of the hospital Pharmacists and nurses with the intention of bringing high herbs used in hospitals significantly, especially herbal medicine , western medicine , this time to replace 100 % of the people in the euphoria many medicinal herbs that help remove the need to rely on foreign libel is that the plant cure hemorrhoids .Doctor and Pharmacy dispensary plant capsules.

Patients discontinued treatment with Daflon hemorrhoids hemorrhoids cure all medicine or gum . I think people who want to eat , but I only remembered retrospective . No way this drug from the hands of two doctors , hospitals anymore . On a maternity hospital . Chiang Mai This research comes to hand very confident that generally if the plant medicine for a 5 day relief hemorrhoids go away , but the doctor saying . Behaviors that cause constipation be updated.Plant trees Wood vine Quad is a four finned stem cedar with a smooth neck joint area leaves out the one at the end of vine leaves .

The leaves are opposite the island Triangular or oval, 3-8 cm long and 4-10 cm wide margin with rounded body is quite thick bouquet of flowers , opposite leaves, small florets . The outer petals yellowish green . The inside has a red stripe on the petals in white, green fresh fruit is round the plant easier to grow . The scientific name is Cissus quadrangularis L. Wong VITACEAE folklore is sometimes called the new coupons and short erosion or three joints.Pharmacopoeia Thailand using fresh vine Length hemorrhoids segmental day 1 until day 3 sliced bananas cooked meat or meat wrapped tamarind . Then merged into Do not chew the fresh plant vines because it will cause itchy throat , which the ancients learned through experience is a warning to each other .


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