What you need to know about herpes treatment

For the herpes treatment cut the branch of raspberries and cut it into small pieces. Rinse and chew. The resulting mush applies to herpes on the lips. Squeeze a little juice of Kalanchoe juice and grease it with a cotton swab the affected area several times a day.Crush garlic clove and rub it blisters. Then mix apple cider vinegar and honey in equal quantities and smear the resulting mixture 2 times per day. Take 200 - 250 g of beet tops, 3 medium-sized carrots, one apple and a bunch of parsley.

Squeeze the juice from them. Drink the juice throughout the day.Most often, herpes labialis appears when a person is lowered immunity. In order to strengthen their resistance to disease, devil take root, the roots of the grass pink radiograms and St. John’s wort to 2 parts. 4 of the hips and 3 parts of hawthorn fruit and herbs nettle. http://herbalhealthhealing.activeboard.com/t58333535/is-this-vitiligo/?page=last#lastPostAnchor

Grind and brew a mixture of a tablespoon per cup of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the broth cooked. Use throughout the day, drinking a third cup for 20 minutes before eating.Hard-boiled egg - Peel and place in a mug; pour the vodka and put the glass in the refrigerator. After 3 days, eat eggs and drink vodka in which it lay. It is possible that the procedure will have to be repeated 2 - 3 times. Squeeze the juice of celandine. Moisten a cotton swab with juice and make a lotion. Keep her on the lip as long as possible. On the day make 2 - 3 gadgets.


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The cause of vitiligo is not known exactly

Often, people suffering from vitiligo or their family friend; find a number of other disorders such as atopic eczema, asthma, hay fever, diabetes, thyroid disease, anemia etc. The cause of vitiligo is not known exactly. Probably it will... Continue →